College Visits

College Penants

Students: During the fall, several College and University representatives visit Los Al to answer your questions and concerns regarding the campus, specific programs and the application. College Visits are hosted in the College and Career Center during the school day.

To see a list of upcoming visits, log on to Naviance and reserve your spot. Please remember that these visits are a privilege and your teachers have the right to not excuse you from class. You are responsible for all missing work/activities from class, so please let your teacher know ahead of time that you will be missing class for a visit.

All students must check in with their teachers at the beginning of the class period, ask permission to attend the College Visit, and then you may come to the College and Career Center.

College Representatives: Los Alamitos High School is now utilizing RepVisits, powered by Hobsons (Naviance) to allow you to sign up for a visit with our students!

Please visit to create an easy-to-use account that will allow you to schedule not only with our school, but any other high schools that are using Counselor Community as well.

Thank you for cooperation as we try out this new system. If you have any questions, please contact me at We look forward to your visit here at Los Al!