
JOB BOARD Opportunities!

The Career Center offers Job Board listings for students seeking part-time employment.

Local businesses are welcome to call (562) 799-4780, Ext. 82240 or email mschaeffer@losal.org.

This partnership between LAHS and the local business community has been very effective over the years. Remember to HIRE Los Al! (A note to parents: Research shows that students with part-time jobs exceeding 15 hours per week tend to earn lower grades.)

Work Permits

Applications are available through the College and Career Center.

In order to receive a work permit you must:

  • Have a job. (You will need your employer’s signature.)
  • Be between the ages of 14-18.
  • Your parent’s signature.
  • Your social security number,
  • Students may NEVER WORK past 10:00 p.m. on a night preceding a school day OR past 12:30 a.m. on a night preceding a non-school day.
  • All current work permits expire five days after the opening of school in the fall.  Therefore, if a minor obtained a job and work permit in June and still had that same job in September, the work permit would expire.  The minor would need to obtain a new work permit for the new school year even though it was for the same job.

Entertainment Permits

Parent/Guardian must complete all requested information on the front of the application form.  Please print and sign your name.  School record information is to be filled out by authorized school district official (Los Alamitos High School – Career Center).  Students applying for an Entertainment Work Permit must have satisfactory grades (“C” grade or better in all classes) and satisfactory attendance (no more than 10 absences during the school year) at the official grading period.  Information covering California’s child labor laws applicable to the entertainment industry can be found at https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/Application_for_Entertainment_Work_Permit_for_Minor.htm

Summer Work Permits and Hours

When school is not in session, work permit applications are available in the Main Office during switchboard hours from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Call (562) 799-4780 to confirm. Working hours for students: the daily maximum is 8 hours, weekly maximum is 48 hours.

Remember that summer jobs offer a great opportunity to learn responsibility, develop new skills, and try out new careers!

Voter Registration

Downloadable forms: