
ACT: The ACT with Writing is also a four-year college entrance examination, generally taken during the Junior and/or Senior year. Students receive scores in English, Reading, Math, and Science Reasoning, and Writing, as well as a composite score. Four-year college-bound students should check the college catalog to determine whether the ACT or the SAT would be most appropriate. A fee is charged for this test and you must register directly with ACT ( www.actstudent.org ).

PreACT: The PreACT simulates the ACT testing experience within a shorter test window on all four ACT test subjects: English, math, reading and science. Results predict future success on the ACT test, and provide both current achievement and projected future ACT test scores on the familiar 1-36 ACT score scale. This test is offered in the fall and is open to sophomores and juniors. Fees can be paid in the Activities office after the start of the school year.

ADVANCED PLACEMENT TESTS: These tests are administered on the Los Alamitos High School campus each May. The test schedule is set by the College Board. Students may earn college course credit based on their exam score. For more information on Advanced Placement Exams, please refer to www.collegeboard.com. See AP Testing for Advanced Placement courses are offered at Los Alamitos High School.

ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery:  Each year an Armed Services representative administers the ASVAB to interested students. Test results help the student determine areas of occupational interest and aptitude. Students interested in this test should visit the Career Center for details. The Armed Services charge no fee for this test, and test-takers are under no obligation to enlist.  http://www.military.com/ASVAB    

CALIFORNIA HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY EXAM:  This is a test that the State Board of Education offers to eligible persons to demonstrate proficiency in the basic skills taught in California public high schools, as defined by the average performance of second-semester seniors in those schools. Each person who passes the CHSPE is awarded a Certificate of Proficiency, which is considered equivalent to a high school diploma. This test is administered by the Educational Testing Services. A fee is charged for this test. Successful passage of this examination provides the student with a “certificate of completion,” not a diploma.

CELDT – California English Language Development Test:  School districts are required to administer this test to students whose home language is not English. The purpose of CELDT is to identify new students who are English Learners in grades K-12 to determine their level of English proficiency and to annually assess their progress toward becoming fluent in English. Schools must administer the CELDT annually to all English Learners until they are reclassified from English Learner to Fluent English Proficient. This test assesses the following skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

PSAT:  The PSAT is taken by juniors in October (no make-up), but sophomores are also encouraged to participate in the test. In addition to providing information about the student's aptitude for college-level studies, the PSAT scores are used by the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) service to determine National Merit semi-finalists. Students planning to attend college should take this test. A fee is charged for this test at the Activities Office.

SAT Reasoning - Scholastic Assessment Test Reasoning:  This is a four-year college entrance examination generally taken during the Junior and/or Senior year. The SAT Reasoning assesses the student's aptitude for college-level work and students receive a Critical Reading, Math, and Writing score. Many colleges require this test for admission. A fee is charged for this test and students register directly with College Board (www.collegeboard.com).

SAT Subject Tests:  These one-hour tests determine the student's level of competency in a number of subject areas: foreign language, mathematics, English, science, or history. The more selective colleges require the SAT Subject Tests for placement purposes. A fee is charged for this test and students register directly with College Board.

Smarter Balance Assessment System:  Smarter Balance Assessment System utilizes computer-adaptive tests and performance task that allow students to demonstrate what they know and are able to do.  This system is based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English-language arts (ELA)/Literacy and mathematics.  At the high school level, it is administered to all juniors during the latter part of the spring semester.