Deliveries to Students

Parents may not deliver lunch, homework, athletic equipment, etc., directly to students in the front parking lot or any other location on campus at anytime during the school day, including nutrition and lunch.  All items must be dropped off in the Main Office.

Due to the high volume of drop-offs it is necessary to limit messages and deliveries to three per year. Taking the time to communicate at home limits the interruptions to classes for messages regarding doctor appointments, transportation, meeting times/places, and other personal messages. This also includes delivery of forgotten lunches, homework, etc. Please remind your student to check the Main Office for items they have requested you to deliver. Homework may be placed in the teacher's mailbox by office staff.  Items not allowed: cash or drinks.

We will not send call slips or interrupt classrooms during instructional time.

NO announcements will be made during A.P. testing and other designated testing times.