Discipline Code
In order that students may benefit from our strong curricular program and enjoy the many extra-curricular activities offered at Los Alamitos High School, the Board of Education feels a strong, effective discipline code must exist and be enforced. It is to everyone's advantage that students respect the rights, feelings, and property of others and face the consequences of their actions when they do not. The purpose of this written discipline code is to enable parents and students to discuss and understand the expected behavior of Los Alamitos High School students.
Expected student Behavior
Los Alamitos High School students are expected to respect themselves, others, and their property. The rules and regulations expressed in this code are established to maintain a school climate conducive to learning. Students who fail to comply with these rules and regulations shall be subject to disciplinary action. All school personnel and parents have a shared responsibility to enforce school rules and regulations and take the necessary action to correct school behavior that is inappropriate or interferes with the functioning of the school.
The governing board at any school district shall prescribe rules not inconsistent with the rules prescribed by the state board of education for the government and discipline of the school under jurisdiction E.C. 32291.51.
All students shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of teachers of the school. (E.C. 48921)
Participation and attendance at extra-curricular activities is considered a part of the educational program. However, it is a privilege, not a right. Participants and spectators carry responsibilities as representatives of their school communities. All rules of student conduct apply to extra-curricular activities. Students who have an excessive number of disciplinary or attendance related incidents may be excluded from participation in extra-curricular events.
Rights and Responsibilities
Administrators' Rights . . .
- To hold pupils to strict accountability for any disorderly conduct in school or on their way to and from school.
- To take appropriate action in dealing with students guilty of misconduct.
- To recommend suspension, exemption, exclusion and/or expulsion as the situation demands.
Administrators' Responsibilities . . .
- To provide leadership that will establish, encourage, and promote good teaching and effective learning.
- To establish, publicize, and enforce school rules that facilitate effective learning and promote attitudes and habits of good citizenship among the students.
- To request assistance from Student Services in matters concerning serious instructional, behavioral, emotional, health, or attendance problems.
- To grant access to pupil records by parent/guardian or others with proper authorization.
Students' Rights . . .
- To remain enrolled in school until removed under due process conditions as specified in the Education Code.
- To have access to records upon reaching the age of sixteen.
- To be informed in class of school rules and regulations.
Students' Responsibilities . . .
- To attend class regularly and on time.
- To obey school rules and regulations.
- To respect the rights of school personnel and fellow students.
- To be prepared for class with appropriate materials and work.
Teachers' Rights . . .
- To expect students to behave in a manner which will not interfere with the learning of other students.
- To have parental support related to academic and social progress of students.
- To expect students to put forth effort and participate in class in order to receive passing grades.
Teachers' Responsibilities . . .
- To inform parents through report cards and conferences about the academic progress, school citizenship, and general behavior of their children.
- To conduct a well-planned and effective classroom program.
- To initiate and enforce a set of classroom regulations consistent with school and district policies.
Parents' Rights . . .
- To be informed of district policy and school rules and regulations.
- To be informed of all facts and school action related to their children.
- To inspect their child's records with the assistance of a certificated staff member for proper explanation.
Parents' Responsibilities . . .
- To contact or visit school periodically to participate in conferences with teachers or counselors on the academic and behavioral status of their children.
- To provide supportive action by making sure that children have enough sleep, adequate nutrition, and appropriate clothing before coming to school.
- To maintain consistent and adequate control over their children.
- To be familiar with district policies and school rules and regulations.
Definition of Infractions/Problem Areas
Arson - The malicious or deliberate setting of fires to property.
Brandishing - The display of any weapon or dangerous object in a threatening manner.
Criminal Threats - Death or other serious threats against a school official or school property.
Defiance/Insubordination - Refusal to comply with reasonable requests of school personnel.
Disorderly Conduct Including Profanity and Obscene Behavior - Conduct and/or behavior that is disruptive to the orderly education procedures of the school.
Dress Code - All students are expected to dress in clothing that is clean, in good repair, and appropriate for class and school activities. (See complete Dress Code.)
Drugs/Alcohol/Paraphernalia - The use, possession, or sale of drugs, narcotics, or alcoholic beverages or items connected with the use of the same.
Explosive Devices - The use, possession, or sale of explosive devices including fireworks.
Extortion/Robbery - The solicitation of money or something of value from another person in return for protection or in connection with a threat to inflict harm.
Fighting/Assault/Battery - Engaging in or threatening any act which causes or might cause harm to another person.
Gambling - Participating in games of chance for the purpose of exchanging money or something of value.
Harassment/Threats/Intimidation - Harassment, threats, or intimidation that substantially interfere with an individual's academic performance, creates substantial disorder, and creates an intimidating or hostile environment at school (often based on race, culture, ethnic origin, or religious beliefs).
Hate Violence - Any violent act that occurs because of an individual's race, culture, ethnic origin, or religious belief.
Littering/Throwing Food – Failing to throw trash in a proper trash receptacle or intentionally throwing food.
Misuse of Internet – Accessing any inappropriate sight or use of chat rooms, etc. See Internet Policy.
Profanity/Vulgarity- Language or acts that are considered obscene.
Sexual Assault/Sexual Battery - Engaging in a threatening act that involves sexually related behavior and causes or might cause harm to another person.
Sexual Harassment - Harassment involving sexually related behavior that substantially interferes with an individual's academic performance or creates an intimidating or hostile environment at school.
Smoking/Possession/Use of Tobacco or Tobacco-Related Products - The possession or use of tobacco or any product containing tobacco or nicotine products. This includes matches and lighters.
Theft/Possession of Stolen Property - Taking or attempting to take property of others or being in possession of the same.
Vandalism/Destruction/Defacement of Property - Destroying or mutilating property belonging to the school, school personnel, or other persons.
Weapons/Injurious Objects - The possession of any object including, but not limited to all types of knives, any edged object or tool, box cutters, Exact-o blades, razors, stabbing instruments which might be used to inflict bodily injury on one's self or others. Laser light pointers or other laser objects, pepper spray, mace, tasers or any objects that can be injurious and are not required for school/academic use are not allowed on campus. Pepper sprays or other aerosol personal defense items are not allowed.
Definition of Disciplinary Actions
Informal Conference - A school official (teacher, administrator, or counselor) will talk to the student and try to reach an agreement regarding the student's behavior.
Formal Conference - A formal conference is held with the student, parent, and one or more school officials. During this conference the student must agree to correct his/her behavior.
Detention - Students may be detained in school for disciplinary or other reasons for a maximum of one hour before or after the school day or during the noon break.
Parent Involvement - Parents may be notified by telephone, personal contact or letter. A conference may be held with the student, his/her parent/guardian, appropriate school personnel, and any other individuals involved with the infraction.
Saturday Study Program - Student may be assigned to school on Saturday in lieu of more serious disciplinary actions.
On Campus Suspension (OCS) - A student may be assigned to an in-school suspension program at the discretion of the principal or designee for those offenses for which suspension is permitted.
Suspension - The student is informed that s/he is subject to a suspension (five days or less). The student is also informed of the due process procedure. The student's parent/guardian is notified by telephone that the student is subject to a suspension. Notification to the parent/guardian must include clear instructions regarding the due process procedure. The suspension is then recorded in the student's disciplinary file.
Transfer to Continuation/Opportunity School - A proposed involuntary transfer notice may be sent to the parent/guardian to initiate the transfer for the student to receive special behavioral and educational services. Parents and/or students have an opportunity to appeal per Board Policy. (See section on Transfer to a Continuation School.)
Expulsion - The student is informed that s/he is subject to the expulsion, and informed of the due process procedures. The student's parent/guardian is notified by telephone and certified letter that the student is subject to expulsion. Notification to the parent/guardian must include clear instructions regarding the due process procedures.
Breathalyzer - Students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol may choose to take a breathalyzer test. This is used to not only determine if a student has a measurable amount of alcohol in his or her system, but as a safety precaution to determine if the amount of alcohol consumed necessitates a 911 call. If necessary, the Los Alamitos Police Department may be called in cases where we are unable to determine if the student is under the influence of alcohol.
Other Campus Regulations
The following regulations deal with general rules for which major disciplinary action is not necessary. Violations of these regulations usually involve one of the following disciplinary actions: Informal conference, formal conference, detention, or Saturday Study program. Continued violations will be considered as a campus disruption or defiance of authority and will be handled according to the recommended procedures outlined in the discipline code.
Bicycles/Skateboards/Skates – LAUSD prohibits riding of bicycles, skateboards, and/or roller skates/blades on any campus at any time. Skateboards are not allowed on campus during school hours and should be stored and locked in the skateboard racks located on the west end of the bike racks. Students must supply their own lock. In addition to the previously stated disciplinary action, these items will be confiscated.
1st confiscation - returned at the end of the day
2nd confiscation - returned to a parent or guardian only
3rd confiscation - returned at the end of the semester
Cell Phones, Pagers, Bluetooths, Electronic Signaling Devices - Electronic signaling devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, Bluetooth devices and pagers, shall be turned off and kept out of sight when the regular school day begins at 7:40 a.m. until the regular school day ends at 2:30 p.m. This includes passing periods, nutrition, at lunch time (on campus) or any other time as directed by a district employee. If a violation of this policy occurs, an employee may confiscate the device. The device will not be returned to the student. It must be picked up by a parent or guardian only. Repeated violations will result in further disciplinary action, including suspension.
Closed Campus Violation - Los Alamitos High School is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus without checking out and getting a re-admit slip from the attendance office. Students must have a note or the office must have a phone contact with parent/guardian before the student leaves campus. No exceptions will be made for students obtaining permission by the use of a cell phone. Violators are subject to disciplinary action and any absences will be considered truancies.
Dangerous Behavior on Campus - Throwing objects or other behavior that could create injury or interfere with the educational process is not allowed. Individuals who behave or create a situation that could be dangerous to others will receive the appropriate consequences that may include Saturday School or suspension.
Campus Guests - Student guests are not allowed on campus during the school day. Please do not bring friends or relatives to school. They will not be allowed to attend classes or remain on campus.
Helmets for Bicycles, Non-motorized Scooters, Skateboards or In-line skates - State law CVC Section 21212 requires that all persons under the age of 18 must wear a helmet when operating a bicycle, non-motorized scooter, skateboard or in-line skates. Due to this law, LAHS students that ride bicycles or skateboards and store them on campus during the school day cannot do so unless they are accompanied by a helmet.
IPOD's/MP3 Players/Discmans/Walkmans/Radios/Stereos - Due to the number of lost/stolen items and the disruption to the instructional program, students are prohibited from bringing ipods, mp3 players, walkmans, discmans or other such devices to campus. These devices will be confiscated by a staff member and returned to a parent/guardian only. Headphones of any type are not allowed on campus unless specifically required by the teacher, nor are personal radios, stereos, boom boxes, etc. Failure to comply with this policy will be considered defiance of authority and the student will be subject to discipline ranging from Saturday School to suspension. Los Alamitos High School is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to any electronic device.
Lighters, Matches, and Other Combustible Items – Students may not possess lighters, matches, or any other combustible items on campus. Possession of any of these items will result in disciplinary action. The item(s) will be confiscated and will not be returned.
Non-prescriptive Medications – Students may not possess any medication, non-prescriptive or otherwise, on campus. All medication must be administered through the health office. Possession of any non-prescriptive medication will result in disciplinary action.
Registration of Items Not Normally Allowed on Campus - If needed for a school or class project, items not normally allowed on campus can be brought to school by special permission of a school administrator and teacher. The item must be checked in with an administrator when brought on campus and will require a note from an administrator. They are still subject to the normal penalties if used for any other reason. Note: Items such as squirt guns and other toy-like objects will not be returned.
Supervision Areas – Student supervision area maps are posted in all classrooms and work areas. Students may not be out of the supervision area while eating. Students must remain in the supervision area during school hours unless going to or coming from school or classes (students must exit or enter through a supervised area during lunch), with a class or staff member, or on school business.
Traffic/Parking - A 10 M.P.H. speed limit is in force on campus at all times. Parking regulations are posted and enforced by the Los Alamitos Police Department. Violators are subject to school discipline procedures and the revocation of the privilege to park and/or operate a motor vehicle on campus. (See additional section on Student Parking.)
Disciplinary Infractions and Possible Actions
Infraction |
Disciplinary Action |
Arson |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Assault on Staff Member |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Bus Misconduct |
Informal conference, parent involvement, removal from bus, suspension |
Criminal Threats |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Defiance/Insubordination |
Informal conference, detention, Saturday School, parent involvement, suspension, expulsion, SARB |
Disorderly Conduct or Campus Disruption |
Informal conference, detention, Saturday School, parent involvement, expulsion |
Dress Code Violation |
Detention, parent involvement, Saturday School, suspension |
Electronic device violation |
Confiscation, parent conference, Saturday School, suspension |
Explosive Devices |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Fighting/Assault |
Parent involvement, conflict mediation, suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Gambling |
Informal conference, parent involvement, suspension, expulsion |
Harassment, Threats, or Intimidation |
Parent involvement, suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Harassment, Threats, or Intimidation of a Witness |
Parent involvement, conflict mediation, suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Hate Violence |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Littering/ Throwing food |
Student conference, detention, Saturday School, parent conference, OCS; suspension |
Misuse of Internet |
Revocation of internet privileges, Saturday School, suspension |
Possession/Use of Tobacco Products |
Saturday School, OCS, suspension |
Possession/Use/Sales of Drugs/Alcohol/ Paraphernalia |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement, Student Study Team referral |
Profanity/Vulgarity/ Obscenity |
Informal conference, parent involvement, Saturday School, suspension, expulsion |
Robbery/Extortion |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Sexual Assault/Battery |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Sexual Harassment |
Informal conference, parent involvement, Saturday School, suspension, expulsion |
Theft of School/ Private Property |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Traffic/Parking |
Informal conference, ticketing or towing, loss of operational privilege, suspension |
Vandalism/Graffiti |
Informal conference, parent involvement, Saturday School, suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
Weapons/Dangerous Objects |
Suspension, expulsion, police involvement |
The disciplinary actions listed above are possible responses to a disciplinary situation and are not a progression of responses. The severity of the incident/infraction will dictate the disciplinary response. Violation of any of the aforementioned actions may result in the revocation of an inter-district permit.
Suspension Procedures
- A conference is to be held with the student. The student is allowed the opportunity to present his/her version and evidence in his/her defense. The student should be advised of the reason for the disciplinary action. It is possible to suspend a student without a conference if it is judged to be hazardous to the well being of the school to return the student to the campus for the conference.
- An attempt will be made to contact the parent/guardian informing them of the suspension.
- A parent or guardian will be given written notice of the suspension within 24 hours.
- The parent/guardian must respond to the school's request for a conference without delay as per state law.
- The parent/guardian will be informed that the superintendent or his designee may review the suspension.
- A student may not be suspended for more than five consecutive days (except continuation students).
- No student shall be suspended for more than twenty days in one school year (except continuation students).
- A suspended student may be required to complete and receive credit for assignments and/or tests missed during the suspension as provided by the teacher.
- A suspended student must remain under parental supervision and not be on any school campus or attend school activities for the duration of the suspension.
Required Reports on Disruptive Students
Education Code section 49079 has been amended to expand the circumstances in which districts must inform teachers about students who have engaged in violent or disruptive conduct in the past. The law requires districts to inform teachers of any students who during the three previous school years have been suspended for the following criminal or disruptive conduct at school, while going to or coming from school, or during a school sponsored activity:
- Causing, attempting, threatening physical injury to another person
- Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm, knife, or other dangerous object or imitation firearm
- Possessing, using, or selling illegal drugs, alcohol, or drug paraphernalia
- Committing or attempting robbery or extortion
- Damaging school or private property
- Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property/possession of stolen property
- Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity
- Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties
- Knowingly receiving stolen school or private property
- Harassment, threats or intimidation to other students/staff for any reason.
- Hate violence
- Sexual assault
- Terrorist threats
Information received by a teacher pursuant to this section is received in confidence and must not be further disseminated by the teacher.
48910. Suspension by Teacher
(a) A teacher may suspend any pupil from the teacher's class, for any of the acts enumerated in Section 48900, for the day of the suspension and the day following. The teacher shall immediately report the suspension to the principal of the school and send the pupil to the principal or the principal's designee for appropriate action. If that action requires the continued presence of the pupil at the school site, the pupil shall be under appropriate supervision. As soon as possible the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension. A school counselor shall attend the conference. A school administrator shall attend the conference if the teacher or the parent or guardian so requests. The pupil shall not be returned to the class from which he or she was suspended, during the period of the suspension, without the concurrence of the teacher of the class and the principal.
(b) A pupil suspended from a class shall not be placed in another regular class during the period of suspension. However, if the pupil is assigned to more than one class per day, this subdivision shall apply only to other regular classes scheduled at the same time as the class from which the pupil was suspended.