Substance Prevention
To deter students from bringing illegal substances to campus, LAHS will utilize detection canines to detect the presence of contraband on campus. Specifically, in communal areas, classrooms, lockers and vehicles. The detection canine searches will be random and the canine will not be used to search students. The detection canines are very friendly, non-aggressive retrieving breeds. They are trained to discriminate specific “scents” of contraband items and passively indicate the area where the scent is detected. If an illegal substance is detected and found, appropriate disciplinary action will be initiated. The goal of this program is to deter unwanted contraband on campus and provide a school atmosphere that is conducive to learning while minimizing the safety and security concerns associated with the presence of illegal narcotics, alcohol, weapons and prescription medications.
Drugs and alcohol among adolescents are a major concern for both educators and parents. The use of illegal substances can lead to harmful and even disastrous results for everyone involved. It is, therefore, important to empower students and parents to avoid the pitfalls associated with drug and alcohol use. To achieve this goal, LAHS has implemented a Voluntary Drug Testing Program. The program is free of charge, confidential and non-punitive. Students who participate may, on a random basis, be selected to undergo a voluntary drug test. The tests will be administered on the LAHS campus during the school day in a private and secure location. All tests will be conducted by trained professionals. Information regarding the test results is confidential and will only be released to parents/guardians. No results, positive or negative, will be given to LAHS. If a test is positive, the testing company will provide referrals to appropriate counseling and rehabilitative services. The goal of the LAHS Voluntary Drug Testing Program is to enlist the assistance and support of parents to help our adolescents combat and win the fight against drug and alcohol use.